Every three years, we help bring back the sights, smells and sounds of 18th century warfare.
This year, in what our chairman has decribed as our most immersive and succesful re-enactment weekend yet, we brought the story of the battle to life through encampments, military displays, and cannon fire.
Visitors had a chance to watch the Jacobite army practising its drills, as the Prince rode along their lines to review his strength. Then three separate arena displays explored in detail the three main elements of the British army: cannon, foot and horse. With more horses than we have ever brought together before, the dragoons looked truly super. With cannon crews brought together from across Scotland, England and Northern Ireland, the power of artillery was shown off to dramatic effect.

And of course there was the battle itself, where the tension, trauma and terror of the climactic confrontation evoked scenes from the pages of our imaginations!
There was an added poignancy to the event as the first day coincided precisely with the anniversary of the battle on 21st September.
The fallen of The ’45 were remembered in collective silences and both sung and piped laments. We are grateful to local Gaelic singer Rena Gertz, and to the pipers of the Prestonpans Royal British Legion Pipe Band.
Huge thanks to all those who came along, and particular thanks to the amazing re-enactors who came from far and wide to participate:
Alan Breck’s Volunteer Regiment
Lace Wars
The Troop
The Northern Horse
The North Irish Dragoons
The Earl of Loudoun’s Regiment
47th Foot